Sunday, November 19, 2006

Done lots of time wasting stuff to relax after exam!!!

After spending a few sat or sun wif pong doing "Gallery". It's COMPLETED!! yeah.. many asked the purpose of doing this.. I know its kinda waste of time. BUT, you spend time to watch tv also waste time le..LOL.. at least i feel so satisfy looking at it when its completed. lalala...

Nice rite? It's art okay.. only those who know how to appreicate... hoho......

Sat after my exam.. I went to expo wif my mum.... It's veri crowed.....
We had 10 stick of CitySatay and long Q le.......
My mum bought some sausage and ham... while waiting i was so bored so "snap".. but their hand move so fast... cant see properly..
Try again... BUT.. failed...
Yeah!! I did it!! So bo liao....hahaha....

Actually wanted to chill out at a pub after expo.. but pong was wearing short and slipper.. so cannot la.. We went to somewhere near to expo...
Can see??

As usual.. our best hobbies.. we took lots of silly photos...

Pong trying to copy the pose of the sleeping man beside us.. funny la....

Mine turn.......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HaHa... Finally the "Gallery" is completed with the efforts from the two of us. A few afternoons were spent on this DIY. It is not very tough but the patience and endurance counts :p
All the efforts put in are worthwhile when looking at HER smile after the DIY is accomplished.
One thing learn from the process of this DIY model is to accept ideas from HER. Sometimes she is better than me in certain areas.
Of course Vice-versa too...
Enjoy your day!

Monday, November 20, 2006  

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